Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fern Garden at the Botanical Garden in Putrajaya-Part 2

Drynaria quercifolia
This is an epiphyte of lowlands rainforest, secondary forest, rubber plantations, urban areas and wayside trees. Produces fronds of two kinds - nest and foliage. Nest leaves are short-lived fronds that turn brown and hard, and persist as closely-overlapping 'armour plates' around the creeping rhizome. They also function as 'trappers' of debris and as 'funnels' directing nutrient-enriched run-offs of rain water from the tree canopy to the rhizome. The long and feathery foliage leaves, on the other hand, serve as photosynthetic leaves and are capable of producing spores.

Drynaria rigidula
This is an epiphyte of mountain forests that grows on old trees and even on rocky outcrops.

Sori in regular rows on either side of the midvein of the pinnae and make a bulge on the front.

Lygodium circinnatum
Knowns as Malay Climbing Fern and grows over shrubs and high into trees, in open places and in forests. The texture of the lamina is thick and the secondary rachis-branches almost glabrous.

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